Companies often struggle with ongoing operational, cybersecurity, and CIP compliance responsibilities. While it is tough to recruit, train and retain quality CIP resources, it can be even harder to find qualified and dependable consultants who can ease the burden from:

  • Having more projects or tasks than time or resources to manage
  • Ever growing task lists that don’t seem to end
  • Preparation activities for upcoming audits

Itegriti can help in many capacities, including:

  • Dedicated resources to complete projects and task list items
  • CIP program and compliance assessments
  • CIP audit and SME preparation
  • Process improvement and procedure writing
  • Organizational change management and training
  • Audit program design
  • External, independent, and focused reviews
  • Risk based cybersecurity program evaluation


Experience > Process > Results
The Itegriti leadership team is involved in every project, initially through advisory, project scoping and organization, and then through direct assignment or oversight roles. Our experience includes:

  • NERC experience since 2006, completed projects in all regions throughout the U.S. and Canada, supporting utilities, transmission, municipalities, cooperatives, and generation representing coal, natural gas, and renewables – wind, solar, hydro and geothermal.
  • Management, oversight or service on over 200 projects with a combined 50+ years of experience in cybersecurity, compliance, and audit.
  • Industry and consulting backgrounds, IT and OT operational experience.

Itegriti will design an approach that follows the Plan, Do, Check, Adjust model. Our delivery team will have access to tools and templates to provide consistency in deliverables, manage team workflow and deliverables, and assist with timely and accurate reporting. Our tools include:

  • An approach that mirrors NERC audit and data requests.
  • A relational, multi-user database to manage data requests, workflows, reviews, and disposition with reports that dynamically provide Data Request status by Manager, Assignee, Status.
  • Surveys and control self assessments that are viewable from computers, tablets and cell phones.
  • An available SFTP site for the sharing of sensitive information.

Case Study

An Itegriti client had a growing list of cybersecurity, compliance, process improvement, training and organizational change management concerns but did not have internal resources available for timely completion of tasks. We reviewed the list with our client, identified dependencies and critical path, anticipated level of effort, and organizational priority. They contracted our team to lead and help complete items on their key task list, some working independently and others collaborating with their employees, vendors and other contractors. Efforts are managed in an Agile fashion, using “sprints”, or short development cycles, where changes to individual project scope or level of effort are reviewed for priority reassessment. Status is tracked and reported during daily 15-minute huddles, weekly management reviews, and monthly executive meetings.

We have now completed over 9 projects for this client supporting NERC corporate compliance, IT compliance, CIP program management, enterprise applications, generation, transmission, renewables, critical infrastructure operations, cybersecurity, telecommunications, and physical security.