Summary: Attack surfaces grow larger and more complicated daily as organizations increasingly rely on digital processes and integrate new technologies. Visibility and understanding of the attack surface are vital to any cybersecurity strategy. With attack surface management (ASM), organizations can gain insight into their systems and vulnerabilities to establish more effective security measures.

One of the most fundamental requirements of an effective cybersecurity strategy is understanding the attack surface. In order to prevent cyberattacks and protect sensitive data and other critical assets, an organization must have a detailed awareness of its systems, vulnerabilities, and potential attack vectors. A company’s attack surface can be extremely broad and complex due to increasing digitalization and integration of abundant third-party solutions.

While it may pose a daunting task to IT and cybersecurity professionals, getting a handle on your organization’s attack surface is possible. Attack surface management (ASM) can be a crucial element in a company’s cybersecurity posture.

Defining ASM

According to IBM, ASM is “the continuous discovery, analysis, remediation, and monitoring of the cybersecurity vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors that make up an organization’s attack surface.” Naturally, this is an ongoing process that requires an awareness of the systems in use and any new developments that may occur. The continual growth of attack surfaces and constantly evolving threats mean that professionals in charge of ASM have a lot to keep an eye on.

ASM is conducted from the point of view of the attacker, often via “ethical hacking” performed by professionals trained in the tactics and behaviors of cybercriminals. By approaching the attack surface from a hacker’s perspective, they can identify potential targets and analyze risk realistically based on what an attacker sees.

The growth in popularity of cloud technologies and remote or hybrid working environments have made many organizations’ digital footprints and attack surfaces much larger. Traditional methods of asset discovery, risk assessment, and vulnerability management struggle to handle the unstable, decentralized state of most corporate networks. Whereas processes such as penetration testing can effectively discover suspected vulnerabilities in known assets, they do not empower security professionals to identify new and evolving risks and vulnerabilities.

ASM and Critical Infrastructure

What constitutes critical infrastructure varies from country to country, but a broad definition includes “physical and virtual assets, systems, and networks that can cause loss of life” and other large-scale consequences if they are attacked or compromised.

These types of infrastructures are some of the top priorities for cybersecurity professionals to protect against attacks. An increased dependence on digital processes, the rapid evolution of cyberthreats and criminal tactics, and the expanding attack surface all make it more difficult for these industries to avoid catastrophic security incidents. Security breaches in critical infrastructure are only becoming more of a danger as time goes on and more digital technology is integrated into older systems.

Many operational technology (OT) systems are at risk, threatened by the possibility of a devastating cyberattack. It can be difficult to “ensure the security and integrity” of these systems and keep up with the pace of digital interconnectivity. Understanding and managing the attack surface is an essential part of protecting critical infrastructure, making ASM not only a beneficial tool but often a vital one for organizations in critical infrastructure industries.

Effective Implementation

In order to successfully implement ASM and protect critical systems against attacks, it is important for organizations to establish a plan and best practices surrounding the process. The vital factors included in any effective ASM strategy are:

  • Asset Discovery: identifying all of the assets and resources in the company’s infrastructure, including servers, databases, applications, and networked devices.
  • Vulnerability Assessment: analyzing the identified assets for weaknesses, misconfigurations, and outdated software versions, using vulnerability scanning tools to prioritize remediation efforts.
  • Threat Intelligence: staying up to date on the threat landscape and attack trends to proactively identify risks as they emerge and undertake measures to protect against attacks.
  • Continuous Monitoring: maintaining an ongoing understanding of the attack surface as it evolves, using real-time detection and response to changes that may occur.

With ASM that involves all of the above components, an organization is empowered with increased visibility into its digital footprint and a deeper understanding of its attack surface. This enables companies to determine where their systems and networks are vulnerable and how to protect them against attacks that can compromise critical infrastructure. An effective ASM strategy can also help with regulatory compliance, as it ensures that organizations have adequate measures in place to protect sensitive data and critical systems.


Organizations concerned with critical infrastructure should consider ASM a cybersecurity priority, as it is impossible to protect against attacks effectively without understanding the attack surface. Successful cyberattacks on critical infrastructure have the potential to cause massive damage to life, property, and national security.

Many companies today have attack surfaces that are large and complicated, making them difficult to manage. The growing prevalence of cloud solutions, remote working, and integration of new technologies into older systems all widen the gap between organizations and understanding their attack surfaces. With a good plan and the right help, organizations can establish ASM and defend against attacks on critical infrastructure.

ITEGRITI has deep experience across critical infrastructure cybersecurity programs, compliance, risk, and audit. Contact us today to learn how we can leverage this experience to help you accomplish your cybersecurity goals.

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